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Hello Lovely!

My name is Jess Peters. I am a reformed follower of Jesus Christ. I am 22 years old. I have been married for just over two years to my sweet husband Braden. He's the best guys. The handsomest, the kindest, the wisest and the sassiest. I love him. We have an adorable little red head four month old named Adaline. She brings so much joy and poop into our lives and we wouldn't have it any other way. I love being a wife & mama so much. I want to love my husband well and have our marriage reflect Christ's love so others will see the beautiful radiace of Jesus. Our goal is to raise our daughter to love Jesus wth everything she is and to Glorify Him with her whole life. Thank-you for stopping by and I hope you can learn a little about God's goodness while your here! 

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